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    online TV is simply being able to watch a tv station in real time from anywhere across the globe. Many of us discovered online IP television during this past election campaign when we were, as a nation, practically glued to some form of media in order to keep updated on the progress of the election. Some of us were acquainted to live Ip television because we found it was an perfect way not only to keep updated with the news, but also weather, and sport events.

    Looking for webpages that has internet television is just as simple. Just type in "live television" into a search bar and you will come up with thousands of results to pick from. Most Internet television streaming web-sites even show channels international so shows from other countries like USA, for example, can be watched right from your PC. The convenience and simplicity, not to mention huge number of opportunities that online TV has to offer, it's no wonder lot of people are choosing it over regular TV.

    I love our IP television software because it gives you the options of various channels to watch. Users can choose classic or political stations that may want to watch. I was always watching The Nanny on many times!

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    Wireless cell phone video security solution is here adding a sense of private protection and safety it offers you real-time video monitoring.

    Wireless mobile phone video security solution This know-how utilizes the most powerful software applications for distantly monitoring from Anyplace in the globe.
    This is a solution that will turn any average mobile phone into a high end security device.
    The surveillance system brings video from video source such as USB or IP Webcam to your cell phone. It contains both the client and server software.

    You can see your room, business, babysitter, parents, pets, etc.

    You can watch live shots from your webcams on mobile phone using any kind of online connection from any location in the world. In case of intrusion, a real picture helps prevent false alarm and cancel police dispatches to avoid the fines.
    Enjoy the autonomy of viewing all your cameras on mobile phone anytime and from anywhere with just the tap of a button.



    How does cell surveillance work:

    You connect your webcam (USB, IP camera, or Camcoder) to your home pc and setup the application.
    The application captures video and audio from webcam and sends it, as compressed media stream, to web server.
    You login to this Web server from your cell phone and view your camera.
    No particular application for your mobile phone is needed.


    All about cell video surveillance.

                                                                                    Cell phone video surveillance solution




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